Whistleblowing system
Compliance with laws and regulations and conformity with the Koehler Group Code of Conduct and other internal Koehler guidelines, as well as with the Code of Conduct for Business Partners, take topmost priority at the Koehler Group. In order to keep our word regarding our integrity and compliance with the aforementioned obligations, it is important to enable our own employees and those of our business partners to report potential misconduct so that we can prevent it.
This is why we have set up a system that will enable Koehler Group employees and employees of external third parties to submit tips regarding violations of binding obligations, human rights violations, and violations that harm the environment.
The Koehler Group whistleblowing system guarantees the greatest possible protection for affected parties and employees who help clear up the reported misconduct. This also includes us offering anonymous reporting and communication options.
Submitting a report to our whistleblowing system
The whistleblowing system features two channels through which tips can be submitted.
Tips can be addressed directly to the compliance manager at the Koehler Group with the following contact information:
Matthias Roth,
Koehler Group Compliance Manager and Data Protection Officer
Phone: +49 7802 81 47 63
Cell phone: +49 151 11 44 81 56
Email: matthias.roth@koehler.com
Koehler Holding SE & Co. KG
Hauptstraße 2
77704 Oberkirch
Tips can also be addressed to the advocate at the Koehler Group:
Attorney Dr. Hans-Joachim Fritz
Corestone Legal Rechtsanwalts GmbH
Phone: +49 69 589967250
Cell phone: +49 171 5198859
Email: hjfritz@corestonelegal.de
Taunusanlage 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Needless to say, whistleblowers will not incur any costs if they decide to contact the aforementioned advocate at the Koehler Group. In addition, this advocate will inform whistleblowers of the fact that the only scenario in which the advocate will reveal their identity to the Koehler Group is if the whistleblower explicitly allows this first. This means that whistleblowers can remain completely anonymous in regard to the Koehler Group.
By implementing this whistleblowing system, the Koehler Group is complying with its legal obligations pursuant to the European Union’s Whistleblower Directive (Directive 2019/1937) and to the German Whistleblower Protection Act [Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz] based on it. Moreover, the whistleblowing system is also an integral part of the complaint procedure that the Koehler Group must implement pursuant to the German Supply Chain Act [Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz] in effect since 2020.